The Dental Care Dilemma

Dental health is one of the most important aspects of your overall health, yet for many it’s often the most neglected.


Americans have experienced barriers in accessing dental care.


Of the population don’t see a dentist on a regular basis.


Patients rank oral health as their top health concern.

Problems With Today’s Dental Care Model

Dental Care Model Not Efficient & Lacks Consistent Quality Standards

  • Inconvenient and Lost Productivity/Wages For Routine Dental Check-Ups
  • Over $1.6 Billion In Lost Productivity Annually for Dental Visits

Dental Care Is Not Patient Centric

  • Mouth Is Treated As a “Separate” Part of The Body From an Insurance and Benefits Standpoint
  • Poorly Managed Oral Health Increases Medical Costs
  • Dental Health and Medical Health Are Not Coordinated

Challenges of Access to Dental Care

  • Shortage of Dentists and Dental Hygientists In Many Areas of the United States, Including Rural and Lower Income Communities (“Dental Deserts”)
  • Difficulty Obtaining Desirable Appoitnment Times, Particularly for Periodic Dental Diagnostic Visits and Cleanings

Untreated Dental Health Issues = Higher Costs


Good preventive dental care can save between $515 – $1,718 per year for patients with chronic diseases (i.e., diabetes and coronary artery disease).


Dental related issues are the number one most avoidable ER visit. Over $2 billion is spent annually on ER visits related to dental issues.


Studies have shown that a 39% increase in dental preventive care and oral health education can lead to an 86% reduction in major and restorative dental services.