The LynkDX Solution

Imagine not taking vacation time for dental appointments, or not losing productivity due to dental visits and related health issues. Imagine healthier, happier people who now have the resources close at hand to better manage their dental health. LynkDX can help make it happen.

Creating a “Wholistic Approach” To Dental Care

LynkDX Dental Diagnostics brings comprehensive dental diagnostics directly to the patient and creates a comprehensive clinical report to reduce gaps in oral health care.

Convenient On-Site Dental Diagnostics

Addresses SDOH Concerns

Medical/Dental Integration

Timely Referrals to Dentists

Dental Sherpa Educational Support Services

Transparent Oral Health Report

Reduce Oral Health “Gaps In Care”

Reduce Lost Productivity

Who LynkDX serves

LynkDX’s Mobile Dental Diagnostics provide services in many different areas of the patient population. Whether you are an employer, on-site/near site clinic, Medicaid or Medicare clinic/plan, rural health clinic, FQHC, Tribal health clinic or plan, wellness vendor/program, or any other setting where there is a need for dental services, LynkDX can be your solution.

LynkDX Dental Diagnostic Service Costs

  • No Out-of-Pocket Costs to Patient

  • Diagnostic Services Billed to Insurance at Standard Rates